Monday, March 11, 2013

Diet Food - Broccoli and Shrimp Soup

Briefly last year, by briefly I mean one recipe. I was on a healthy eating kick - it's always my intention to eat healthily, but despite my best intentions when looking for recipes I tend to skip over the really healthy 'diet' ones. I mean diet just sounds boring, tasteless and drab - am I right? In reality this doesn't have to be the case, it's just my silly mind set. For example this next recipe is low fat low everything soup. To be honest it's not bad either - I still don't like the idea of a diet, I am not massively over weight although a few lost pounds wouldn't hurt, but I am enjoying my 'Kitchen Antics' too much to quit now.... I'm going to have to 'research' diet recipes a bit more before I take the diet plunge.

Broccoli and Shrimp Soup
Serves 1
50g broccoli
1/4 litre vegetable broth
2 tbsp sour cream
salt, cayenne pepper
50g Shrimp
1. Wash the broccoli and seperate into two florets, blanche in the vegetable broth for about 15 minutes. Half the broccoli and set aside. Puree the broccoli and the vegetable borth, stir in the sour cream and season with salt and cayenne pepper. Add the rest of the broccoli, the shrimp and heat through, just before serving sprinkle with dill.

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